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vyos:off-wiki:equuleus:index [2025/03/11 20:24] adminvyos:off-wiki:equuleus:index [Дата неизвестна] (текущий) – удалено - внешнее изменение (Дата неизвестна)
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-====== VyOS User Guide ====== 
-Quickly [[contributing:build-vyos|Build]] your own Image or take a look at how to [[installation:install|download]] a free or supported version. 
-Read about how to install VyOS on [[installation:install|Bare Metal]] or in a [[installation:virtual:index|Virtual Environment]] and 
-how to use an image with the usual [[installation:cloud:index|cloud]] providers 
-Use the [[quick-start|Quickstart Guide]] , to have a fast overview. Or go deeper and 
-set up [[configuration:protocols:index|advanced routing]] , [[configuration:vrf:index|VRFs]] , or [[configuration:vpn:index|VPNs]] for example. 
-Integrate VyOS in your automation Workflow with [[automation:vyos-ansible|Ansible]] , 
-have your own [[automation:command-scripting|local scripts]] , or configure VyOS with the [[automation:vyos-api|HTTPS-API]] . 
-Get some inspiration from the [[configexamples:index|Configuration Blueprints]] to build your infrastructure. 
vyos/off-wiki/equuleus/index.1741724685.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2025/03/11 20:24 — admin