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vyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:container:index [2025/03/11 21:09] adminvyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:container:index [Дата неизвестна] (текущий) – удалено - внешнее изменение (Дата неизвестна)
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-====== Container ====== 
-The VyOS container implementation is based on [[index|Podman]] as 
-a deamonless container engine. 
-===== Configuration ===== 
-  set-container-name-name-image 
-Sets the image name in the hub registry 
-set container name mysql-server image mysql:8.0 
-If a registry is not specified, Docker.io will be used as the container 
-registry unless an alternative registry is specified using set container registry <name> or the registry is included 
-in the image name 
-set container name mysql-server image quay.io/mysql:8.0 
-  set-container-name-name-entrypoint-entrypoint 
-Override the default entrypoint from the image for a container. 
-  set-container-name-name-command-command 
-Override the default command from the image for a container. 
-  set-container-name-name-arguments-arguments 
-Set the command arguments for a container. 
-  set-container-name-name-host-name-hostname 
-Set the host name for a container. 
-  set-container-name-name-allow-host-pid 
-The container and the host share the same process namespace. 
-This means that processes running on the host are visible inside the 
-container, and processes inside the container are visible on the host. 
-The command translates to “–pid host” when the container is created. 
-  set-container-name-name-allow-host-networks 
-Allow host networking in a container. The network stack of the container is 
-not isolated from the host and will use the host IP. 
-The command translates to “–net host” when the container is created. 
-allow-host-networks cannot be used with network 
-  set-container-name-name-network-networkname 
-Attaches user-defined network to a container. 
-Only one network must be specified and must already exist. 
-  set-container-name-name-network-networkname-address-address 
-Optionally set a specific static IPv4 or IPv6 address for the container. 
-This address must be within the named network prefix. 
-The first IP in the container network is reserved by the 
-engine and cannot be used 
-  set-container-name-name-name-server-address 
-Optionally set a custom name server. 
-If a container network is used with DNS enabled, 
-this setting will not have any effect. 
-  set-container-name-name-description-text 
-Set a container description 
-  set-container-name-name-environment-key-value-value 
-Add custom environment variables. 
-Multiple environment variables are allowed. 
-The following commands translate to “-e key=value” when the container 
-is created. 
-set container name mysql-server environment MYSQL_DATABASE value 'zabbix' 
-set container name mysql-server environment MYSQL_USER value 'zabbix' 
-set container name mysql-server environment MYSQL_PASSWORD value 'zabbix_pwd' 
-set container name mysql-server environment MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value 'root_pwd' 
-  set-container-name-name-port-portname-source-portnumber 
-  set-container-name-name-port-portname-destination-portnumber 
-  set-container-name-name-port-portname-protocol-tcp-udp 
-Publish a port for the container. 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql port http source 80 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql port http destination 8080 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql port http protocol tcp 
-  set-container-name-name-volume-volumename-source-path 
-  set-container-name-name-volume-volumename-destination-path 
-Mount a volume into the container 
-set container name coredns volume 'corefile' source /config/coredns/Corefile 
-set container name coredns volume 'corefile' destination /etc/Corefile 
-  set-container-name-name-volume-volumename-mode-ro-rw 
-Volume is either mounted as rw (read-write - default) or ro (read-only) 
-  set-container-name-name-tmpfs-tmpfsname-destination-path 
-Mount a tmpfs (ramdisk) filesystem to the given path within the container. 
-  set-container-name-name-tmpfs-tmpfsname-size-mb 
-Size in MB for tmpfs filesystem, maximum size is 64GB or 50% of the 
-systems total available memory. 
-  set-container-name-name-uid-number 
-  set-container-name-name-gid-number 
-Set the User ID or Group ID of the container 
-  set-container-name-name-restart-no-on-failure-always 
-Set the restart behavior of the container. 
-  * no: Do not restart containers on exit 
-  * on-failure: Restart containers when they exit with a non-zero 
-exit code, retrying indefinitely (default) 
-  * always: Restart containers when they exit, regardless of status, 
-retrying indefinitely 
-  set-container-name-name-cpu-quota-num 
-This specifies the number of CPU resources the container can use. 
-Default is 0 for unlimited. 
-For example, 1.25 limits the container to use up to 1.25 cores 
-worth of CPU time. 
-This can be a decimal number with up to three decimal places. 
-The command translates to “–cpus=<num>” when the container is created. 
-  set-container-name-name-memory-mb 
-Constrain the memory available to the container. 
-Default is 512 MB. Use 0 MB for unlimited memory. 
-  set-container-name-name-device-devicename-source-path 
-  set-container-name-name-device-devicename-destination-path 
-Add a host device to the container. 
-  set-container-name-name-capability-text 
-Set container capabilities or permissions. 
-  * net-admin: Network operations (interface, firewall, routing tables) 
-  * net-bind-service: Bind a socket to privileged ports 
-(port numbers less than 1024) 
-  * net-raw: Permission to create raw network sockets 
-  * setpcap: Capability sets (from bounded or inherited set) 
-  * sys-admin: Administration operations (quotactl, mount, sethostname, 
-  * sys-time: Permission to set system clock 
-  set-container-name-name-sysctl-parameter-parameter-value-value 
-Set container sysctl values. 
-The subset of possible parameters are: 
-  * Kernel Parameters: kernel.msgmax, kernel.msgmnb, kernel.msgmni, kernel.sem, 
-kernel.shmall, kernel.shmmax, kernel.shmmni, kernel.shm_rmid_forced 
-  * Parameters beginning with fs.mqueue.* 
-  * Parameters beginning with net.* (only if user-defined network is used) 
-  set-container-name-name-label-label-value-value 
-Add metadata label for this container. 
-  set-container-name-name-disable 
-Disable a container. 
-==== Container Networks ==== 
-  set-container-network-name 
-Creates a named container network 
-  set-container-network-name-description 
-A brief description what this network is all about. 
-  set-container-network-name-prefix-ipv4-ipv6 
-Define IPv4 and/or IPv6 prefix for a given network name. 
-Both IPv4 and IPv6 can be used in parallel. 
-  set-container-network-name-mtu-number 
-Configure MTU for a given network. It 
-is the size (in bytes) of the largest ethernet frame sent on this link. 
-  set-container-network-name-no-name-server 
-Disable Domain Name System (DNS) plugin for this network. 
-  set-container-network-name-vrf-nme 
-Bind container network to a given VRF instance. 
-==== Container Registry ==== 
-  set-container-registry-name 
-Adds registry to list of unqualified-search-registries. By default, for any 
-image that does not include the registry in the image name, VyOS will use 
-docker.io and quay.io as the container registry. 
-  set-container-registry-name-disable 
-Disable a given container registry 
-  set-container-registry-name-authentication-username 
-  set-container-registry-name-authentication-password 
-Some container registries require credentials to be used. 
-Credentials can be defined here and will only be used when adding a 
-container image to the system. 
-===== Operation Commands ===== 
-Pull a new image for container 
-Show the list of all active containers. 
-Show the local container images. 
-Show logs from a given container 
-Show a list available container networks 
-Restart a given container 
-Update container image 
-Delete a particular container image based on it’s image ID. 
-You can also delete all container images at once. 
-===== Example Configuration ===== 
-For the sake of demonstration, [[documentation:current:manual:installation:containers|example #1 in the official documentation]] to the declarative VyOS CLI syntax. 
-set container network zabbix prefix 
-set container network zabbix description 'Network for Zabbix component containers' 
-set container name mysql-server image mysql:8.0 
-set container name mysql-server network zabbix 
-set container name mysql-server environment 'MYSQL_DATABASE' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name mysql-server environment 'MYSQL_USER' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name mysql-server environment 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' value 'zabbix_pwd' 
-set container name mysql-server environment 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' value 'root_pwd' 
-set container name zabbix-java-gateway image zabbix/zabbix-java-gateway:alpine-5.2-latest 
-set container name zabbix-java-gateway network zabbix 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql image zabbix/zabbix-server-mysql:alpine-5.2-latest 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql network zabbix 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'DB_SERVER_HOST' value 'mysql-server' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'MYSQL_DATABASE' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'MYSQL_USER' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' value 'zabbix_pwd' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' value 'root_pwd' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql environment 'ZBX_JAVAGATEWAY' value 'zabbix-java-gateway' 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql port zabbix source 10051 
-set container name zabbix-server-mysql port zabbix destination 10051 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql image zabbix/zabbix-web-nginx-mysql:alpine-5.2-latest 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql network zabbix 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'MYSQL_DATABASE' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'ZBX_SERVER_HOST' value 'zabbix-server-mysql' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'DB_SERVER_HOST' value 'mysql-server' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'MYSQL_USER' value 'zabbix' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'MYSQL_PASSWORD' value 'zabbix_pwd' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql environment 'MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' value 'root_pwd' 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql port http source 80 
-set container name zabbix-web-nginx-mysql port http destination 8080 
vyos/off-wiki/latest/configuration/container/index.1741727343.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2025/03/11 21:09 — admin