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vyos:off-wiki:latest:quick-start [2025/03/13 18:29] – [Quick Start] adminvyos:off-wiki:latest:quick-start [Дата неизвестна] (текущий) – удалено - внешнее изменение (Дата неизвестна)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
-====== Quick Start ====== 
-This chapter will guide you on how to get up to speed quickly using your new 
-VyOS system. It will show you a very basic configuration example that will 
-provide a [[vyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:nat:index|NAT]] gateway for a device with two network interfaces 
-( eth0 and eth1 ). 
-===== Configuration Mode ===== 
-By default, VyOS is in operational mode, and the command prompt displays 
-a $ . To configure VyOS, you will need to enter configuration mode, resulting 
-in the command prompt displaying a # , as demonstrated below: 
-vyos@vyos$ configure 
-===== Commit and Save ===== 
-After every configuration change, you need to apply the changes by using the 
-following command: 
-Once your configuration works as expected, you can save it permanently by using 
-the following command: 
-===== Interface Configuration ===== 
-  * Your outside/WAN interface will be eth0. It will receive its interface 
-address via DHCP. 
-  * Your internal/LAN interface will be eth1. It will use a static IP address 
-After switching to [[index|Configuration Mode]] issue the following 
-set interfaces ethernet eth0 address dhcp 
-set interfaces ethernet eth0 description 'OUTSIDE' 
-set interfaces ethernet eth1 address '' 
-set interfaces ethernet eth1 description 'LAN' 
-===== SSH Management ===== 
-After switching to [[index|Configuration Mode]] issue the following 
-commands, and your system will listen on every interface for incoming SSH 
-connections. You might want to check the [[configuration:service:ssh|SSH]] chapter on how to listen 
-on specific addresses only. 
-set service ssh port '22' 
-===== DHCP/DNS quick-start ===== 
-The following settings will configure DHCP and DNS services on 
-your internal/LAN network, where VyOS will act as the default gateway and 
-DNS server. 
-  * The default gateway and DNS recursor address will be 
-  * The address range - will be reserved for 
-static assignments 
-  * DHCP clients will be assigned IP addresses within the range of 
- - and have a domain name of internal-network 
-  * DHCP leases will hold for one day (86400 seconds) 
-  * VyOS will serve as a full DNS recursor, replacing the need to utilize Google, 
-Cloudflare, or other public DNS servers (which is good for privacy) 
-  * Only hosts from your internal/LAN network can use the DNS recursor 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet option default-router '' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet option name-server '' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet option domain-name 'vyos.net' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet lease '86400' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet range 0 start '' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet range 0 stop '' 
-set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN subnet subnet-id '1' 
-set service dns forwarding cache-size '0' 
-set service dns forwarding listen-address '' 
-set service dns forwarding allow-from '' 
-===== NAT ===== 
-The following settings will configure [[vyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:nat:nat44|SNAT]] rules for our 
-internal/LAN network, allowing hosts to communicate through the outside/WAN 
-network via IP masquerade. 
-set nat source rule 100 outbound-interface name 'eth0' 
-set nat source rule 100 source address '' 
-set nat source rule 100 translation address masquerade 
-===== Firewall ===== 
-A new firewall structure—which uses the nftables backend, rather 
-than iptables —is available on all installations starting from 
-VyOS 1.4-rolling-202308040557 . The firewall supports creation of distinct, 
-interlinked chains for each [[wiki-nftables:index.php:Netfilter_hooks|Netfilter hook]] and allows for more granular control over the packet filtering process. 
-The firewall begins with the base filter tables you define for each of the forward , input , and output Netfiter hooks. Each of these tables is 
-populated with rules that are processed in order and can jump to other chains 
-for more granular filtering. 
-==== Configure Firewall Groups ==== 
-To make firewall configuration easier, we can create groups of interfaces, 
-networks, addresses, ports, and domains that describe different parts of 
-our network. We can then use them for filtering within our firewall rulesets, 
-allowing for more concise and readable configuration. 
-In this case, we will create two interface groups — a WAN group for our 
-interfaces connected to the public internet and a LAN group for the 
-interfaces connected to our internal network. Additionally, we will create a 
-network group, NET-INSIDE-v4 , that contains our internal subnet. 
-set firewall group interface-group WAN interface eth0 
-set firewall group interface-group LAN interface eth1 
-set firewall group network-group NET-INSIDE-v4 network '' 
-==== Configure Stateful Packet Filtering ==== 
-With the new firewall structure, we have have a lot of flexibility in how we 
-group and order our rules, as shown by the three alternative approaches below. 
-=== Option 1: Global State Policies === 
-Using options defined in , state 
-policy rules that applies for both IPv4 and IPv6 are created. These global 
-state policies also applies for all traffic that passes through the router 
-(transit) and for traffic originated/destinated to/from the router itself, and 
-will be evaluated before any other rule defined in the firewall. 
-Most installations would choose this option, and will contain: 
-set firewall global-options state-policy established action accept 
-set firewall global-options state-policy related action accept 
-set firewall global-options state-policy invalid action drop 
-=== Option 2: Common/Custom Chain === 
-We can create a common chain for stateful connection filtering of multiple 
-interfaces (or multiple netfilter hooks on one interface). Those individual 
-chains can then jump to the common chain for stateful connection filtering, 
-returning to the original chain for further rule processing if no action is 
-taken on the packet. 
-The chain we will create is called CONN_FILTER and has three rules: 
-  * A default action of return, which returns the packet back to the original 
-chain if no action is taken. 
-  * A rule to accept packets from established and related connections. 
-  * A rule to drop packets from invalid connections. 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER default-action 'return' 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER rule 10 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER rule 10 state established 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER rule 10 state related 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER rule 20 action 'drop' 
-set firewall ipv4 name CONN_FILTER rule 20 state invalid 
-Then, we can jump to the common chain from both the forward and input hooks as the first filtering rule in the respective chains: 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 10 action 'jump' 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 10 jump-target CONN_FILTER 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 action 'jump' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 jump-target CONN_FILTER 
-=== Option 3: Per-Hook Chain === 
-Alternatively, you can take the more traditional stateful connection 
-filtering approach by creating rules on each base hook’s chain: 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 5 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 5 state established 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 5 state related 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 10 action 'drop' 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 10 state invalid 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 5 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 5 state established 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 5 state related 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 action 'drop' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 state invalid 
-==== Block Incoming Traffic ==== 
-Now that we have configured stateful connection filtering to allow traffic from 
-established and related connections, we can block all other incoming traffic 
-addressed to our local network. 
-Create a new chain ( OUTSIDE-IN ) which will drop all traffic that is not 
-explicitly allowed at some point in the chain. Then, we can jump to that chain 
-from the forward hook when traffic is coming from the WAN interface 
-group and is addressed to our local network. 
-set firewall ipv4 name OUTSIDE-IN default-action 'drop' 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 100 action jump 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 100 jump-target OUTSIDE-IN 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 100 inbound-interface group WAN 
-set firewall ipv4 forward filter rule 100 destination group network-group NET-INSIDE-v4 
-We should also block all traffic destinated to the router itself that isn’t 
-explicitly allowed at some point in the chain for the input hook. As 
-we’ve already configured stateful packet filtering above, we only need to 
-set the default action to drop : 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter default-action 'drop' 
-==== Allow Management Access ==== 
-We can now configure access to the router itself, allowing SSH 
-access from the inside/LAN network and rate limiting SSH access from the 
-outside/WAN network. 
-First, create a new dedicated chain ( VyOS_MANAGEMENT ) for management 
-access, which returns to the parent chain if no action is taken. Add a rule 
-to accept traffic from the LAN interface group: 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT default-action 'return' 
-Configure a rule on the input hook filter to jump to the VyOS_MANAGEMENT chain when new connections are addressed to port 22 (SSH) on the router itself: 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 20 action jump 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 20 jump-target VyOS_MANAGEMENT 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 20 destination port 22 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 20 protocol tcp 
-Finally, configure the VyOS_MANAGEMENT chain to accept connection from the LAN interface group while limiting requests coming from the WAN interface group to 4 per minute: 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 15 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 15 inbound-interface group 'LAN' 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 20 action 'drop' 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 20 recent count 4 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 20 recent time minute 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 20 state new 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 20 inbound-interface group 'WAN' 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 21 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 21 state new 
-set firewall ipv4 name VyOS_MANAGEMENT rule 21 inbound-interface group 'WAN' 
-==== Allow Access to Services ==== 
-Here we’re allowing the router to respond to pings. Then, we can allow access to 
-the DNS recursor we configured earlier, accepting traffic bound for port 53 from 
-all hosts on the NET-INSIDE-v4 network: 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 30 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 30 icmp type-name 'echo-request' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 30 protocol 'icmp' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 30 state new 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 40 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 40 destination port '53' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 40 protocol 'tcp_udp' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 40 source group network-group NET-INSIDE-v4 
-Finally, we can now configure access to the services running on this router, 
-allowing all connections coming from localhost: 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 50 action 'accept' 
-set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 50 source address 
-Commit changes, save the configuration, and exit configuration mode: 
-vyos@vyos# commit 
-vyos@vyos# save 
-Saving configuration to '/config/config.boot'... 
-vyos@vyos# exit 
-===== Hardening ===== 
-Especially if you are allowing SSH remote access from the outside/WAN 
-interface, there are a few additional configuration steps that should be taken. 
-Replace the default vyos system user: 
-set system login user myvyosuser authentication plaintext-password mysecurepassword 
-Set up [[vyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:system:login|Key Based Authentication]] : 
-set system login user myvyosuser authentication public-keys myusername@mydesktop type ssh-rsa 
-set system login user myvyosuser authentication public-keys myusername@mydesktop key contents_of_id_rsa.pub 
-Finally, try and SSH into the VyOS install as your new user. Once you have 
-confirmed that your new user can access your router without a password, delete 
-the original vyos user and completely disable password authentication for [[vyos:off-wiki:latest:configuration:service:ssh|SSH]] : 
-delete system login user vyos 
-set service ssh disable-password-authentication 
-As above, commit your changes, save the configuration, and exit 
-configuration mode: 
-vyos@vyos# commit 
-vyos@vyos# save 
-Saving configuration to '/config/config.boot'... 
-vyos@vyos# exit 
-You now should have a simple yet secure and functioning router to experiment 
-with further. Enjoy!